
‘A name fit for a Queen, named by The Queen’


Name: Dyfed Guinevere
Born: 21/04/2020
Sex: Filly
Height: —
Sire: Milnerfield Jack
Dam: Dyfed St Helena (Santes)

Guinevere’s Story

This young lady was born on the 21st April 2020 – the first foal to our 12 year old Santes.

Sharing her birthday with Her Majesty, we approached Buckingham Palace to invite Queen Elizabeth II to choose a name from a shortlist offered and we were delighted when she accepted!

Keeping with our ‘Camelot’ theme which has seen previous foals on the farm named Lancelot, Merlin & Morgana, Her Majesty chose the name ‘Guinevere’.

She would grow into a strong-willed and independent mare, just like her mother and in 2024, Guinevere became a Mam herself when she foaled for the first time to Dyfed Galahad – making Santes a ‘Mamgu’ for the first time!